Friday, January 21, 2011

There are more important things than poker

A week had past since my last visit to the Casino. It had been a bad week so I was really looking forward to playing poker and not thinking about the negative things that had been happening. When I got to poker room I noticed that a guest book was laid out on a table with some pictures beside it. Going up to take a look I saw that one of the dealers had died five days earlier. I was shocked because the guy was so young - the dates listed beside his picture told me he was only 29 years old. I found out from the House Lady that it had been an accidental overdose. I didn't know the guy very well but he was always friendly and smiling. Full of life. It is, of course, a terrible thing. I don't know his story, whether he made a particularly bad decision or if he just got unlucky or some combination of things. I think he was a good person.

The game itself went horribly. I could not make a right move. Twice I lost with pocket aces. Once I had pocket kings, bet heavy and had four callers only to see an ace hit the flop. I threw my kings away - the right move- and kissed my chips good bye. I hit a set and lost to a backdoor flush. The final straw was hitting a flush that lost to a full house. It took about three hours and I lost all the money I had brought. I fought off the urge to get more money. My day was over.

I think my negativity had followed me into the card room. If something is causing you problems in your life, it is likely to cause you problems a the poker table as well. I think I need to stop playing for a little while - at least a month - to get my life back into balance. I hope once I do so I can return to the game with positive attitude and positive results.

Please excuse me, but I'm going to take a month off from the blog as well.

Take care of yourself, whoever you are. Life can be short and there are more important things to do with it than playing cards.

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