Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I didn't invent this trick, but I witnessed someone using it once to great effect and I have used it more than once myself. I call it the "I'm too busy stacking my chips to be paying attention" trick.

Here is how it works. Whenever I have just won a really big pot I let myself talk about how happy -or lucky- I am. I send the message that I'm just some shlub who doesn't play a lot of poker and gee I'm really happy I won this big pot. I really take my time gathering, sorting and stacking my chips and I pay no attention to the cards dealt for the next hand until its my turn to act. Usually I have rags and I muck them and that's that. If, however, I have been dealt strong cards I will bet them with a kind "whatever" attitude. The message I hope to send is that I just won all these chips so I'm gonna gamble now because I can afford to lose. I go right back to sorting my chips and I don't even look up until the flop is dealt.

I try to give out a "yeah, sure - I'm here to gamble vibe" and it is surprising how often this works. Opponents often do not give me credit for actually having a hand and call bets they would normally fold to.

It takes some acting, but not much since I really am happy and excited about winning that last pot - it's more just looking distracted until the point comes that I do the "gee - I guess I should be paying attention here" act. This usually involves me checking my hole cards again ( message: I am so distracted I can't remember what I have) before playing the hand out.

So there you go. That's the ITBSMCTBPA trick. Try it sometime.

And be careful that someone doesn't try it on you.


  1. You're forgetting to tag your post. This one goes under "getting cute".

  2. Man, everything I do is cute.

  3. You should change the name of the website to "cutepoker.com"
