Friday, September 9, 2011

The Roll is Over

The beginning of the end was when I blew up my on-line bankroll.

Next, I played in a home game (for the first time at my house) and being a generous host I refused to take any of my guest's money. My wife is far more rude. We played three quick tournament style games and the missus won two and came in second in the third. It would be unbecoming for me to complain of the outrageous bad beats and plain bad luck I suffered that night. That would be unseemly. But even when you lose in a home game you usually have a lot of fun. This time the comedy was supplied by the men - fairly experienced players - who seemed to always be the first to be knocked out while the women in attendance did the best. My friend Eric salvaged some of the male pride by winning the last tourney. I won't mention the manner in which he knocked me out of that game. I am a better man than to talk about that.

The last nail in the coffin was when I visited the casino a few days ago. I took half of my small bankroll and lost just about all of it.

Winning streaks and losing streaks are part of poker. The trick is not to loose everything whenever things go south. Yes my bankroll is half of what it was a week ago, but it is infinitely larger than the nothing it was two months ago. I will just have to buckle down and rebuild.

(cue the Chumbawumba)

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