Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On a Roll: Part 3

I forgot to mention that my last trip to the casino saw my magic bankroll grow again. I'm not sure what purpose all my ranting about the table Nazi served, other than just allowing me to vent. Thank you, gentle reader, for listening.

For those of you keeping score, I took $120 to the casino and left with $405 - a very good day.

I have often thought back to that game in Jay's when I hit a three outer on the river. That one lucky moment when this crazy roll began.


  1. Congratulations! Make that bankroll grow, and manage it well. There will be losing streaks, too.

    The table Nazi post was a good one. It reminded me of the "Table Talk" post - it's nice to get these little vignettes as well as your more technical posts; you have a knack for bringing them to life, and they do illustrate interesting aspects of the game.
