Saturday, August 14, 2010

I'm not a loser!

...well, at least not lately.

In my first post I confessed to being a "financial loser overall" and went on to tell about losing a fair bit of money in my first years on-line. I realize many of you might have read that and thought, why should I take advice from this guy? He hasn't made any money playing poker.

Let me clarify. Yeah, I was an idiot at first. But my record since starting to play live opponents in the last year is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself. In fact I have made money consistently and not just against soft opponents - like the boys at the stag party. So, far my winnings at the real tables are only about a third of what I lost in my dumb-ass internet days. I've made it my first goal to get back to even.

Goal setting is important. If you just sit down at the poker tables with vague ideas of "making money" you are more liable to make the mistake I did - losing track of your losses and letting emotion get the upper hand.

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